Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yeah, it's been like a month since I last posted... Sorry 'bout that.

Mood: Sleepy
Listening To: Conversations With My 13 Year Old Self - P!nk

I had a really weird dream last night, and I mean REALLY weird. Okay, first, a few kids at my school--including me--were called to the office, but almost all of us hadn't ever really talked, so none of us knew what we all could have done to get in trouble, if we were in trouble. My heart nearly stopped when I saw my crush, whom will remain nameless, was called too. When the twelve of us reached the office our principal informed us that we were going to a special school for the remainder of the school year. So we were put on a bus and shipped off to this "special school"; we all started talking as the trip turned into a couple hour-long trip.

We finally got to the school, scratch that, castle, and walked in. Our identities were changed, but our names were kept. My personality was pretty much the same, a tomboy, but it was a whole lot easier to piss me off. My roomate had a similar personality, and apparently, he was my twin. Each of us had a "twin" that was from one of the twelve that came. So, my crush and my best guy-friend were "twins", and the other eight were assigned their "twins". Training began.

We had to do so much training, and were never told what we were training for!

As the season changed, we now trained outside, though we were still rookies at the martial arts we were learning, we were expected to fight in as little as two weeks. A teacher from our school showed up and randomly picked me up, and slung me over his shoulder. I screamed and pounded on his back and kicked him to try and get free. I knew I was a goner. Then my crush ran over and tried to help me; we had become friends during the short time we'd been here. Then the teacher disappeared.

I didn't see him [my crush] much more after that, it was like they were trying to keep us apart.

Towards the end of the "school year" I was convicted of a crime; killing another, older, student at the school. I had to find the real culprit.

Then I woke up. Isn't that a weird dream?

Well bye, I'm gonna go get some breakfast...

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